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About Stuart Cearley Law Group in Arkansas
Legal Counsel You Can Trust


Why Stuart Cearley Law?

Stuart Cearley Criminal Defense Lawyer and Family Law in Arkansas

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…”

-  Theodore Roosevelt

The Man in the Arena -

Stuart served as a prosecutor in Arkansas since 1997 and has participated in over 120 jury trials, worked with over 25 different judges, has been designated a Certified Death Penalty Lawyer, and achieved the title of Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney of both Benton and Lonoke Counties.  Stuart has tried every type of criminal case and has tenaciously fought for justice for thousands of victims.  But not all defendants are guilty.  And some that are guilty are just regular people who make mistakes.  Now, Stuart brings his extensive experience in the Arkansas legal system, his grit and perseverance, and his human compassion to pursue justice for the accused.

Our Mission

To provide responsive, quality, tenacious representation to protect your rights and assets in a compassionate, client-focused manner.

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Protect Your Rights

The practice of law is based in the preservation of individual rights.  No matter the charges against you, you have rights, and Stuart will work to defend them.  For family law clients, Stuart will fight to protect your hard-earned assets and make sure that you get or keep what you deserve out of this painful experience.

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Law, like life, is hard.  Sometimes it knocks you down.  A good lawyer gets back up and fights even harder.  Stuart’s tenure as an attorney has taught him perseverance, and his quality of character gives him the courage to fight for justice where others would make the easy compromise.  Stuart is not afraid to “spend himself in a worthy cause”.  He will fight.  For you.

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Quality & Responsiveness

If you choose to work with Stuart, his commitment is to deliver the quality of work expected of a lawyer with his pedigree.  No matter the details of your case, you can expect the highest quality service. Your legal battle is one of the defining moments of your life.  As your defense attorney, Stuart’s promise is to be available and responsive to you at any time day or night to answer questions, hear details, or simply to have someone to talk to.

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