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White Collar Crimes and Frud Defense Lawyer in Arkansas
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White Collar Crimes and Fraud Defense Lawyer

White collar crimes and fraud are serious crimes and require experienced lawyers with nuanced understanding of the law.  If you have been accused of one of the crimes below, reach out to Stuart Cearley today to schedule a FREE consultation to discuss the details of your case and the options before you.

What is a White Collar Crime?

White collar crimes are synonymous with the full range of fraudulent acts committed by business and government professionals.  Motivation behind white collar crimes is financial and are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust in efforts to obtain/avoid losing money, property, or services.  White collar crimes may not result in infliction of harm, nonetheless they are not victimless crimes, one single scam can destroy a company, devastate families, and/or cost investors billions of dollars.  Some of the most common examples of white-collar crimes include fraud, corporate fraud, falsification of financial information, inside trading, Ponzi schemes, money laundering, misusing corporate property, embezzlement, and tax evasion or violations. If the crime affects a federal agency, crosses state lines or violates federal law, it would then be classified as a federal crime.

Different Types of Fraud

White collar crimes are synonymous with the full range of fraudulent acts committed by business and government professionals.  Motivation behind white collar crimes is financial and are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust in efforts to obtain/avoid losing money, property, or services.  White collar crimes may not result in infliction of harm, nonetheless they are not victimless crimes, one single scam can destroy a company, devastate families, and/or cost investors billions of dollars.  Some of the most common examples of white-collar crimes include fraud, corporate fraud, falsification of financial information, inside trading, Ponzi schemes, money laundering, misusing corporate property, embezzlement, and tax evasion or violations. If the crime affects a federal agency, crosses state lines or violates federal law, it would then be classified as a federal crime.

White Collar Crimes and Fraud Attorney Northwest Arkansas Stuart Cearley Law.jpg

Penalties for white collar crimes vary depending on the amount of money that was involved, and the jurisdiction of the crime. Penalties can be wide ranging and may involve a combination of the following:

  • Imprisonment: The duration of the prison sentence depends the crimes seriousness and  on the history of the offender.

  • Fines: Fines imposed by courts, regulatory agencies, or administrative law judges are common. The  fines amount is based on the severity of the crime and the offenders’ financial resources.

  • Probation:  Compliance  with certain conditions, such as reporting to a probation officer, paying restitution to victims, and refraining from further criminal activity can all be conditions for probation.  However, this penalty eliminates jailtime if all conditions are complied with.

  • Community service: Performing unpaid work that benefits the community can also be part of the penalties. The severity of the crime will impact the duration required. 

  • Forfeiture: Forfeiture is a penalty that requires an offender to surrender property that was used to commit the crime or that was obtained as a result of the crime.

  • RestitutionPaying compensation to the victims of the crime is frequently required. The amount of will vary on the losses suffered by the victims.

Penalties for White Collar Crimes

White Collar Defense Attorney Stuart Cearley Law Group

Schedule your FREE Legal Consultation today

A white-collar offender may also face civil penalties, such as damages and penalties imposed by regulatory agencies, loss of their professional licensure, and may be  barred from working in certain professions.

When you learn that you have charges filed against you and are under investigation it is imperative that you seek skilled and competent legal representation immediately. The consequences of white-collar crimes not only involve penalties but will affect your family and professional life and future as well. When you retain Cearley Law Group to defend you, you can rest assured that we will thoroughly investigate your case, research the law, create a strong defense strategy for your case, negotiate for a plea bargain if appropriate,  keep you abreast of the entire process and will listen to you. You will feel secure knowing that our experienced and knowledgeable team is representing you and fighting for your rights and your life.

Contact us today for a free consultation to determine if we are right for legal defense team for you. Don’t wait, as you are facing serious charges, and they can cause irreversible damage to your life as you know it.

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